
My work is about knowledge transfer — either facilitating it from experts or presenting it directly, myself. I believe we can make even the most complex ideas and procedures easy for learners to take in, maybe even to master.

I am known for pulling together multifaceted projects created by teams in a form that suits both the learner (user) and the learning environment.

I do this work because I find the challenge invigorating and I love the learning that I get along the way. My clients choose me repeatedly because I solve their problems (especially MS Word problems), I am fun to work with, and I deliver high quality on time.

My name is Adrienne Montgomerie but I’m best known as scieditor: a teacher of editors and technology, a writer of editing resources, a certified copyeditor, a speaker, and developer of a phonics app for iPad.

continues below

right angels and polo bears


  • certified copyeditor (via EAC)
  • physics and philosophy, with special interest in astronomy and chemistry
  • developing school science textbooks for Canada’s main educational publishers since 1997
  • copyeditor for professional associations and international NGOs
  • university publishing program instructor of five editing courses

What I am known for

  • teaching editors to use software
  • being a techie — “geek” is acceptable
  • publishing podcasts and video tutorials
  • laughing
  • freelancing
  • exploring emerging trends & interviewing leaders


  • words in non-print contexts (video, radio, presentations)
  • e-learning and mobile learning platforms/ principles
  • multimedia presentations
  • science, especially physics
  • economics of social phenomena (Freakonomics)

Things you should know

(personal statement)

I talk with my hands, can’t see a hand-width past my nose without glasses, and only take in fiction via audio or video formats. I like writing and teaching as much as I like editing. I believe writers can learn enormous amounts about storytelling (for fiction and non-fiction purposes) by taking in forms other than print (plays, radio, film), and that maybe their training is inadequate if they exclude those forms.

I’m a big fan of accessibility, plain language, and evidence-based editing suggestions. My pronouns are they/them.

AI Policy

I will not upload your content to AI (a common categorization of GPTs) for any reason, unless you tell me to. The security of your intellectual property is a top concern. Computer tools such as MS Word, spellcheck and PerfectIt will be used for efficiency and efficacy to responsibly maximize the value of my services to you. No matter what tools are used, I read every word of your material and my suggested edits are bespoke, made by me.


Title credits are listed in the portfolio and testimonials are below. Email adrienne@scieditor.ca to connect or find me on social media as SciEditor.

I spent two terms as national director of communications for the Editors’ Association of Canada and my writing on editing topics appears in their blog as well as in their print publications, here on this site, and at ACES, the American Copy Editors’ Society.

Awards include the Editors Canada Virag award for outstanding contribution to raising the profile of the profession and the Rolling Stonefly News [totally legit journal] award for outstanding research in the field of P. media (stoneflies) [regarding natural selection].

Certifications include Copy Editing from Editors Canada. And I teach proofreading, stylistic editing, structural editing, ethics and law in publishing in various university publishing programs in addition to my private courses linked in the main menu.

I am thrilled to express my gratitude for Adrienne’s outstanding work as a Copy Editor for our continuing education course manuals. Their unwavering punctuality, meticulous attention to detail, and organizational skills have significantly elevated the quality of our materials. Adrienne’s expertise in copy editing, coupled with their valuable insights on best practices, has made them an indispensable resource. They consistently goes above and beyond, showcasing a passion for excellence that has truly enhanced our course content. Adrienne’s contributions have been instrumental in maintaining the highest standards, and I am genuinely thankful for their remarkable dedication. — Aika Barzhaxynova (APTA Pelvic Health)

Adrienne’s dedication to detail, commitment to quality, and speed are greatly appreciated. The way they structured edits is highly impactful for our team’s understanding. — Hartley Rose, Senior Marketing Strategist, External Relations SOUTHERN ALBERTA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY

Your dedication, competence and good humour are exceptional! — Carolyn Pisani, Managing Editor, Meeting Professional Editorial Standards, EDITORS CANADA

You are so insightful and creative and have a wonderful way with words!!!! I really like what you did. It has been such a pleasure working with you not only due to your wonderful ability and skills but also your personality. You were understanding and flexible about my schedule and the necessary rewrites even when I knew others were breathing down your neck. I liked how you scheduled the revision in parts — so less daunting when one is working at another job in addition to the writing. —  Bev Williams, SCIENCE AUTHOR

It has been really nice working with a professional. I was wondering, could you edit my correspondence and articles too? — MC, Professor of Business

Thank you for all your hard work in pulling this very challenging book together and getting it done. We had more hiccups with this TR than any three other books but somehow it all managed to get done and done well and all because of your hard work. Thank you all so much for working above and beyond the call of duty. I really appreciate it! — RR, Project Manager

Boy you make me sound good. It’s not that it wasn’t in there, it’s just delivered better. — Graham Ketcheson, Executive Director, PADDLE CANADA

All opinions expressed on this site are mine alone, unless someone else’s name is on them.

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