Has the humidex got you reaching for a pop, dockside at the camp? You might be Canadian. That’s right, according to Only in Canada,
Tag: Canadianizing
Simperial volume
Simperial volume, today, on the Canadian, Eh? column at Copyediting.com. This is the second half of last week’s podcast, in print version. Perhaps this will be
Simperial Spring Cupcakes
I think some Canadians hold tight to Fahrenheit temperatures because it lets them say it’s been above zero for a month now. Converting temperature measures
Simperial podcast — Converting units for Canada
The soft and hard of converting imperial measurements to metric for a Canadian audience are covered in this episode, an adaptation of posts on the
Styling Decisions — word choice and punctuation
Some people argue that using American spelling will open up a whole new market for their book. I don’t know if anyone but an editor