Reading list to develop skills in structural/developmental editing.
Tag: editor training
Exit the Comfort Zone: When to Take On Edits in Unfamiliar Subject Areas
How do you know when it’s right to take on work in a subject area you’re just not comfortable with?
Blogging for Business Growth (Review)
Blogging can help raise your business website in the search rankings and provide valuable content to existing and potential clients.
Conference Engagements, NYC & Rochester
I am friends with only half of the speakers’ list for the EFA conference next month. I am really looking
Editing Certificate or Certification?
Certification is an easy way to stand out from the crowd, and it’s not the same as taking a certificate
Find Time to Learn This Year
After narrowing down the learning possibilities last week, we find time to learn this year, in my How To column at today.
Deciding What to Learn This Year
I’m taking on InDesign, mostly so I can work more effectively with designers and the rest of the production team
How Taking Risks Will Make You a Better Editor
Doing something new regularly, builds momentum and makes the big risks less scary — today, in my How To column at