LOTW Nov 22–28

The interwebs must have been preoccupied this week: only 3 finds this week for word and science geeks: what good fact checking looks like plain

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Inglorious Credits

Sometimes you’d rather not be credited as the editor of a work. Contract terms and a reality check here, to get you through.

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LOTW Nov 15–21

This week’s roundup of internet stuff and things for publications and science types (with some nothing-but-fun thrown in for balance): why dangling modifiers aren’t a

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QA Trick for File Names

I just discovered something so simple and effective that my jaw literally dropped. To proof file names (or create a list for transmittal):   Open

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LOTW Nov 8–14

This week’s roundup of internet stuff and things for publications and science types: something I copyedited got noticed by the cool kids of the interwebs the

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