Nine times, the Merriam-Webster dictionary gets edited. And still, users report errors. But what do you expect from 3000 pages of four-point type? Today, in my How To column at, I speak with Kory Stamper, associate editor at Merriam-Webster, about editing the dictionary.
[tweetthis twitter_handles=”@MerriamWebster @KoryStamper @scieditor @copyediting” url=”https://www.the now-defunct Copyediting/who-edits-the-dictionary/”]But who edits the dictionary?[/tweetthis]
[tweetthis twitter_handles=”@MerriamWebster @KoryStamper @scieditor @copyediting” url=”https://www.the now-defunct Copyediting/who-edits-the-dictionary/”]9+ passes to edit the dictionary!?[/tweetthis]
Photo by Andy Simmons, used under CC BY-ND 2.0 license.