When your magic eight-ball isn’t handy, follow these steps to figure out what is wanted when you’re asked to “look this over”: proofread, copyedit, line edit, or something more substantive.
Year: 2020
Edit Faster! Triage for the Eight-minute Editor
Sometimes there just isn’t time (or budget, or even commitment) to fix everything. Here are the edits (in order) that will help them avoid embarrassment and move the piece in the direction of perfection even if it can’t go all the way.
The Art of the Author Memo
Summarize next steps for the manuscript and get the writer to do their part, with an author memo.
Liability and the Content Editor
Editors should look for and flag legal concerns in the content they edit, but should not—cannot, IMHO—be held ultimately responsible for it.
How to Learn Structural Editing
Reading list to develop skills in structural/developmental editing.
Do I Have to Spell It Out for You? Acronyms & Initialisms
Got acronyms? Here’s how to style them in your work, plus when to explain them and how.