For this entry in the series, I give Grammarly a chance to edit its own article on “30 Common Grammar
Tag: grammar
Would you believe that ‘that’ isn’t needed?
Is “that” needed? A roundup of advice from various style guides on the use of “that” in sentences.
Do I Have to Spell It Out for You? Acronyms & Initialisms
Got acronyms? Here’s how to style them in your work, plus when to explain them and how.
Make the Most of Spellcheck, Part 6
Grammar checking: troubled waters but big improvements for Word’s spellcheck. And now, with the introduction of “Editor” in Word 365
Using the Grammatical Ellipse
“But you’re missing words!” “But everyone knows what they are.” It’s a legit grammatical structure. Why the grammatical ellipse works
Punctuating Requests and Indirect Questions
Question marks can be optional, eh? The Canadian Style (guide) shows us that sometimes questioning words are actually forming a
Commas with Conjunctions are Canadian, Eh?
Today, in my special Canadian, Eh? post for National Grammar Day, at, I look at the role of commas
LOTW 5, 2015
Picks from the interwebs this week for my word- and tech-nerd peeps: going freelance mid-career (case studies) sentence diagraming guide
LOTW 3, 2015
Picks from the interwebs this week for my word- and tech-nerd peeps: science of why a second monitor is the
LOTW Nov 15–21
This week’s roundup of internet stuff and things for publications and science types (with some nothing-but-fun thrown in for balance):