At a desk job like copyediting, what could possibly be dangerous besides the health effects of sitting all day? Well, not nothing!
Tag: legal
Liability and the Content Editor
Editors should look for and flag legal concerns in the content they edit, but should not—cannot, IMHO—be held ultimately responsible for it.
Understanding Image Rights
Just because content is on public display doesn’t mean it’s in the “public domain.” Learn what that term and 15
Legal Liability and the Copyeditor
You know when the publisher wants you to accept responsibility for copyright infringement, plagiarism, and other legal issues that end
Managing Risks in Editing
Read the updated post. Today’s post on four approaches to the myriad risks that editors face may includes the most
How to Query Plagiarism
Read the updated post. When an editor spots words that her writer didn’t write, she needs to flag them so that
How to Edit for Lawyers
You don’t need to don a barrister’s wig to edit legal text. Today, in my How To column at,
Best resources from the week of June 7-13
Being a new convert to Storify and the easy with which it aggregates content and displays it prettily, I am