Whether because the team is small or because the process is compressing, tracking figures can fall into the editor’s domain.
Tag: production
Working with a Table of Contents in MS Word
Word is not a layout tool, though it often gets used that way, especially in a business environment. In those
Copyediting for Ebooks
What can copyeditors do to make ebook production smoother and more hassle-free? I got a chance to talk to the industry’s
8 Flubs to Watch for in eBook Conversion
Ebook conversion is rife with errors of automation. Today, in my How To column at Copyediting.com, I highlight 8 common snafus, from a
How to Make a Figures Manuscript
The terms figure and visual are often used interchangeably. For each visual in the product, there will be a separate
How to Fit Copy After Layout
Read the updated post. Sometimes the words just don’t fit. Today, in my How To column at [the now-defunct] Copyediting.com we look at
How to Get Permission to Use Quotes and Graphics
You know you need permission to use that quote/ graph/ picture/ song lyric, but how do you ask? Get started
What to Do with an Edited PDF
So you got the changes back from the author and editor, now what do you do with the marked-up PDF?