What subjects WON’T you edit? How do you know a job might contain that? Can you turn down work? This, plus strategies for coping when you can’t say no, or it gets to be too much.
Tag: self-care
How to Become More Resilient
Build up your bounce-back-ability. 5 practices that will get you there, in my How To column about resilience, over at Copyediting.com.
How to Recover when Editing Goes Wrong
When an editing job explodes, how do you get yourself back on track? Beyond the self-care, today in my How
How to Survive a Heavy Editing Job
Those editing jobs that make doing your taxes look good? I have a host of tips for eating that frog,
T&C for Disturbing Subjects
Read the updated post. Right to refuse: set terms and conditions (T&C in your contract or letter of agreement) to
How to Manage Too Much Work — Surviving Crazy-Busy
Practical strategies for surviving times of crazy-busy, as all feast-or-famine freelancers must, eventually.