Links roundup, July 2012

My favourite finds from July 2012 – under the headings science, editing, and business. Except for this one which defies categorization:

Whomp, whomp, wizz, sploosh! Many sounds you will hear in Olympics coverage are enhanced… or HT @edyong209


This sung and illustrated alphabet is based on diseases and such. This alphabet is beaver (and giardia) approved.

What if you had a mol of moles? Now, to get this in any one of my math or sci textbooks. M-wahaha

Lightning strike, filmed at 7207 f/s. I could watch this all day. (But back to the deadline!)


Some people see >3 primary colours, b/c of extra cone. Mantis shrimp have cones to see 12:… AND, from the same @Radiolab podcast: There’s no blue in Homer’s writing?…

Like bottle-feeding a baby. Er, yoinks! RT@science: Whale shark learns to suck fish out of holes in fishing nets

Wondering about first & second relations, once or twice removed? Describe the lineage on – see the term & a tree. Also good for getting stats on the popularity of names (try “Helen, Rita, Adrienne, for example.) or for looking up the structure and other facts about any chemical formula.

The official figure for the percentage of human cancers caused by viruses is around 20% via @ScienceNewsOrg

30 under 30: Using Insights from Physics to Develop New Tools for Cell Biology

Wikipedia getting too “accurate” to make sense of? Try Great when you just need the gist of it – to answer the kid.

@NatGeo: Friday Fact: Your stomach would digest itself without mucus.

[warning]Uncyclopedia is “full of misinformation and utter lies. You might say it puts the ‘psych!’ in ‘encyclopedia’.” To be clear: do not use this. For LOLs only.[/warning]

75x lighter than Styrofoam MT@esciencenews Scientists from N Germany produce lightest material in world

Maggie Koerth-Baker @maggiekb1 tweeted: First, I was like “Oh!” But then I was like “Oh.” RT @mims Ocean turning into giant fizzy drink (that will kill us all)…

Baby’s birth captured in MRI movie for the first time via @newscientist

Good guide to bosons, fermions, hadrons and other particles that I’m hereby calling “confusons”…via @edyong209

I post a periodic table while I write, & I’d forgotten about this one. Thanks

Editing (& writing, too)

Love Kimberly Gerson’s Friday Fiction Facts. Keeping jaguars, leopards, panthers, cheetahs, and cougars straight is her latest instalment in this blog series.

This describes the same method that I used to discover how quickly I edit (a.k.a. productivity). If you want to create accurate estimates that don’t leave you working for pennies, you need to do this. speed. via @Copyediting: Tip of Week: how to measure your editing

MS Office 2013 bringing some changes to Track Changes. @CatEditorial… Thanks @RicDay.

An editor will tell you that you have spinach lodged in your…

“I like kittens, u punch kittens. Now we fight!” 25 Things (wordsmiths) Should Know re Antagonists. HT@gabrielle_h

Editors—she likes us. She really likes us. MT @AmandaLeduc: A “thank you” to all editors, everywhere… via @joeditweet

“More Than Words: How Some Movies Wind Up With Lousy Subtitles”… via @Mark_Lindenberg

The Ultimate eLearning Design & Dev Checklist #elearning… via @learningcouncil

Business (of freelancing and editing)

Remember that freelancing survey you & I took? Here are the results, in infographic form.…
New @EFAFreelancers rates survey says our southern counterparts charge 1/2 what we CDN freelancers command.
“Branding Copyediting Freelancers” on @Copyediting (Tooting my own horn, twice.)
My version of… would be “Heh, heh. Nice try. Wrong-o! This cheapening will be your downfall, publishers.”
Maybe you can use this mid-career rebranding strategy too. RT@sidneyeve: How mid-career faculty can rebrand themselves
Needn’t attend my marketing seminar now – except to learn thetechniques. RT@pfindling: Biggest rule of freelancing? Be memorable & keep in touch.
SEO for startups in under 10 minutes: via @jchernov


17% of U.S. adults now using cell phone as primary Internet device. Implications for publishers? via @DigiBookWorld

Can outsiders save#publishing? MRT @DigiBookWorld Q&A with new HarperCollins CMO

[important]Don’t want to miss a bit of this amazing stuff? Follow scieditor on Twitter.[/important]

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