Listen now: podcast version of “How many errors trigger a book reprint?”

Listen now: podcast version of “How many errors trigger a book reprint?”

shocked flickr-com:photos:84744710@N06:7997288513:Rewritten for the audio format, and with a new quote or two: here is my first foray into podcasting in which I discuss errors in printed books and how often they get fixed.
Tweet this quote.

Enjoy the verbal stumbles, and my talent for voicing others’ comments. New career! 😉

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Update: The New York Times wrote an article about the growing problem of consumer complaints over errors in books.

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You may also be interested in hearing a newer podcast about error rates in editing, a post which provides research evidence that a 95% error correction rate is exceptionally high quality. Or reading this other post about how errors (don’t) affect sales.

Audio quality increased greatly over the next couple of episodes, as I bought a real mic. Keep listening.


The photo is by Jon Bunting used under CC by 2.0 license.

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