Should an editor be a one-stop shop? (podcast)

Should an editor be a one-stop shop? (podcast)

technician by official US Navy Imagery “editor” and dividing up the editorial tasks is the focus of this episode, in which I revisit one of my posts from the now-defunct Copyediting: exploring the question of what an editor should be. In this retake, I extend the question further and examine clients’ expectations that the editor also code/ format the book, secure artwork, obtain the ISBN and CIP data, and plan the book tour.


Press play below or right-click to download. 11 min

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What do your clients expect? What do you prefer? Do the clients who come to you even understand that there are different editing tasks? Different roles in publishing? Do they care? Leave your comments below, or join the discussion over on Twitter.

Mentioned in this episode:

Original post: “Should an Editor Be a One-stop Shop?




The image for this episode is by  official US Navy Imagery, used under CC BY 2.0 license.


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