A sort of between-isode update of what’s been going on at my desk, to keep you satisfied while I do more research for an in-depth piece on editing disturbing subject matter: how to spot it and how to cope.
I first posted piece on the topic on the Copyediting.com blog. It’s generated a lot of thoughtful discussion and some response-blogs by colleagues. This is an issue that affects all of us, often as a blindside, so I feel it deserves a closer look.
So, while I am working on that, take another peek behind the editing curtain.
Press play below or subscribe to have this sent automatically to your podcatcher/ iTunes, or right-click to download the file. 6:16 min
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Tell us about what topics you find too disturbing to edit. What are your red flags? What do you do to care for yourself when editing gets you emotional? Leave your comments below, or join the discussion over on the Dameditors Facebook page. You can also Tweet Adrienne @scieditor and send longer comments or tips you’d like to share privately to adrienne@dameditors.ca.
Mentioned in this episode:
- First post on “How to Edit the Difficult Subjects”
- Mededitor’s response: “Hitting Close to Home”
- How To column on Copyediting.com, on technology and interpersonal stuff (the human side)
- Canadian, Eh? on Copyediting.com, on editing from a Canadian perspective
- Editors’ Association of Canada conference in Toronto June 7–8, 2014
- Editing Canadian English, a publication of the Editors’ Association of Canada
- Sounds for Fun literacy app for toddlers (free iPad download for May)
- Science Rendezvous and our local event, coordinated by Queen’s University
- Kingston MakerSpace
Hey, I forgot to mention attending panel discussion hosted by RGD (registered graphic designers’ association). We are not designers, but we work with them on nearly every job and find that connecting with them and learning how and what they think helps us communicate with them better. Always a fascinating event.
The image for this episode is by Pink Sherbet Photography, used under CC BY-2.0 license.