Half of you are probably so busy meeting deadlines (or watching them woosh by) that you haven’t even planned to do any planning. The other half of you will probably find that your carefully-laid-out plan gets eclipsed by deadlines or that it became irrelevant with the first sharp turn.
That’s ok.
Today, on the Canadian, Eh? column at Copyediting.com, I explain how to turn this modus into mojo.
Mind you, the key to making creativity prepare you for opportunities is committing the time to build those skills and connections. If you’re not setting aside time every week to build your skills and work on your business (but the skills are most important), you’re mojo will be in slow mo.
Business advisers recommend at least 10% of your time be spent working on your business. That’s just 4 hours a week. I started doing that four years ago, and noticed a huge difference in my opportunities and satisfaction.
What should you work on? Well, something you get excited about. Don’t judge it, just do it, and be open to opportunities that come.
Photo by Rob at Redwood Photography, used under CC BY-ND 2.0 license.