“A good edit can be a writing masterclass,” says Peter Midgley. (Tweet this)
The latest winner of the Tom Fairley Award for Editorial Excellence spoke to me about the importance of editing awards and why authors should be proud of them. Read our chat in my Canadian, Eh? column at Copyediting.com. Speaking to such prominent colleagues about meaty editorial issues is one of the things I like best about writing for Copyediting. After the accolades and adoration from fans, of course.
If you’re thinking of submitting a project for the Tom Fairley Award for Editorial Excellence, Peter has some insights for you here, from both sides of the bench.
You might also want to read his author’s piece about the award, published in EAC’s blog, The Editors’ Weekly, where Kimmy Beach quotes these gems from Midgley:
I’ve been told I’m meddlesome.
Editing is an intricate relief carving on an eggshell. It’s fragile and paper-thin.
One mistake, and you can crack the whole damn thing.
Photo of fountain pen by Nic McPhee used under CC BY-SA 2.0 license.