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Tag: acrobat
PDF Markup Basics for Proofreaders
Learn to use the tools proofreaders (and other production pros like editors) need to mark up corrections on a PDF using the 2023 free Adobe Acrobat Reader (or Pro).
Customize Page Numbers on a PDF using Acrobat DC
When your file doesn’t start on page 1, it is helpful to have the PDF show you the absolute page
Three reasons editors and proofreaders need to buy a PDF editor, and only three
There are a few things that the free Adobe Reader XI PDF software cannot do. But only a few. For
Stamps: Acrobat Tips for Proofreader’s Markup of PDFs
In my first post of the “marking up PDFs” series, I showed the many uses of stamps in Acrobat. Setting
Mark up Title Corrections for Video Using PDF
Anything you can take a screen shot of can be marked up as a PDF. Here is a quick demo
Intro to Advanced Acrobatics
This handout is from my presentation at the EAC 2014 conference. Get a printable PDF version here. Mark up any
Create a Word file from a PDF
You might need to convert a PDF back to text to get a word count, to create the next addition
Customize page numbers on a PDF using Adobe Acrobat 9, X, or XI
(There are new instructions on using Acrobat DC.) When your file doesn’t start on page 1, it is helpful to
How to sign and initial a PDF realty contract and print it out
How to add a signature to a PDF and print it out. Also how to add text and initials too.