Stamps: Acrobat Tips for Proofreader’s Markup of PDFs

Stamps: Acrobat Tips for Proofreader’s Markup of PDFs

In my first post of the “marking up PDFs” series, I showed the many uses of stamps in Acrobat.stamp icon Adobe Acrobat Reader XI

Setting favourite stamps makes them available in above the other categories when you click the stamp icon.

Watch this screencast to learn how to make a custom (proofreader’s) stamp and how to import stamps into the free Adobe (Acrobat) Reader XI. (Tweet this.)

If you don’t want to make your own stamps,  download sets from sources such as:


PDF editing mark-up in Adobe Acrobat series:

Basic PDF Mark-up for Copy Editors and Proofreaders

Key Mark-up Techniques for Proofreading PDFs

Edit Tools for Marking up PDFs

Create a Checklist of Your PDF Mark-up in 2 Clicks

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