Tips and limits for taking an editing test: Reblogged at ACES from my How To column at the now-defunct
Tag: advice
Seen in the Manuscript
Should an editor share that difficult or terrific bit from the edit in progress? Today, in my How To column at, I
Stop Wasting Time on Estimates (podcast)
Learn how to get a ballpark estimate on the table asap to avoid pointless estimates. That’s the topic of this
How to have your vacation and clients too
It’s vacation season. How do you manage clients’ expectations that you’ll be available whenever they want you? Six ideas today in
The argument for making changes silently, not tracking them
I espouse making routine copy editing changes silently; that is, without tracking them in Word. From editors, I hear a
Four Reasons to Work for Less (podcast)
Why you might be okay with working for peanuts — under the conditions explained in this episode.
10 Tips to Fight the Slog
With sunny summer days upon us and the patio calling, we’re about to hit a period when it might
4 Reasons to Work for Less
Is it ever okay to work for less than your normal rate? Absolutely; within reason. You still need to pay the
How to ask a busy freelancer for advice
Many editors are happy to share advice about starting out. Louise has written out advice on how to ask a
How to Survive on Freelance Income
When I decided to freelance, my mother gave me a book called How to Survive Without a Salary, by Charles