Though copyright protection is automatic in Canada, there are a few exceptions that do not get protected. Learn about these today, in my Canadian, Eh? column
Tag: editing
Abbreviations, Styled the Canadian Way
Style those abbreviations the Canadian way. Today, in my Canadian, Eh? column at, I discuss guidelines from Editing Canadian English, The Canadian Press Stylebook and The Canadian Style.
Plain Language in the Canadian Style, Eh?
Plain language is about style and formatting more than it is about dumbing down vocabulary. Today, in my Canadian, Eh? column at, I discuss sentences
T&C for Disturbing Subjects
Read the updated post. Right to refuse: set terms and conditions (T&C in your contract or letter of agreement) to avoid subjects that disturb you.
Niche Work in Canada, Eh?
Niche editing in Canada, in this week’s Canadian, Eh? column at
Canadian Acronym Styling, Eh?
How to (Canadian) style letters that are not full words: title case, lower case, spall caps, and period-ification of acronyms and initialisms. Today, in my Canadian,
Canadians Like Hyphens, Eh?
The thorny world of hyphens in Canada: today, in my Canadian, Eh? column at
Canadianizing Texts
This post has been fixed now. A glitch in the system caused it to disappear from the host site. Canadianization is a common cost-saving measure
Use Word’s Outline View to Check Document Flow
Do you follow that editing principle of “parading your topic sentences”? Today, in my How To column at, learn about Word’s Outline View and how it
Word Tool to Check Document Structure
Visualize the structure of a complex document and navigate it too, using Word’s Document Map Pane. I explain how, today, in my How To column at