After narrowing down the learning possibilities last week, we find time to learn this year, in my How To column at today.
Year: 2015
Deciding What to Learn This Year
I’m taking on InDesign, mostly so I can work more effectively with designers and the rest of the production team
How to Set Word’s Language Preference for Spell Check
There are two places you need to set the language preference in MS Word: in Styles, and for each paragraph.
How to Get Word Ready for Editing
11 auto settings in MS Word to turn off before you edit—today, in my How To column at
What to Do with an Edited PDF
So you got the changes back from the author and editor, now what do you do with the marked-up PDF?
How to Steer Writers Back on Topic
Since you can’t say “Seriously, $266 an hour” when a client gets off topic: advice for keeping writers on task,
Testing for Visual Accessibility
Can you see that? See the updated post. It seems that designs are getting lower contrast, smaller font, and generally
How to Get the Right Images from Artists
How word people can communicate with visual people to reduce costs and aggravation and get better results — in my latest How
Links of Q3, 2015
It has been 26 weeks since my last “link of the week” roundup. A concussion can have that effect on
How to Cushion Author Queries
Professional writers develop a thick skin; they learn not to take suggestions or criticisms as attacks on their self-worth. Today,