Hey kids, notice that the average hourly fee for proofreading is $63 for those with 5–14 years’ experience? It’s only $57 for those with over 14 years’ experience. Does that mean that our fresher counterparts are better at asserting their worth? Ok, let’s not call it worth, but are they better at asking for higher pay?
Today, in my Canadian, Eh? column at Copyediting.com I pull a few numbers from the Registered Graphic Designers (of Canada) annual salary survey (2014).
- 2900 respondents—ten times larger than EAC’s, which is not released publicly
- across industries from advertising to book publishing
- includes managers, designers and others on creative teams
- editing/ proofreading/ QA billed out at $105/hr, median
- copywriters or editors median salary $63,250 (which translates to roughly $31/hr)
Did you hear that?! One-hundred and five dollars an hour. Just put that on a sticky note and slap it on your computer monitor. Change your morning alarm message to say “$105/hr, you brilliant fool!!!”
Read previous advice on how to raise your rates, how to set your rate, the importance of your job title, and what a copy editor earns.
The EFA posts the results of their rates survey.
The Canadian magazine industry also published rates.