Even the Lorem Ipsum Needs Proofreading

Even the Lorem Ipsum Needs Proofreading

Tweet this post.Today, in my How To column at Copyediting.com, Greeked text so garbled that even Cicero would roll in his grave:


Say goodbye to Roll Up Roulette an thed hello to a new way to WIN. Lourm ipsum astro even easier way to WIN ipsun redeem instant prizes! Now you can keep on a lourum RRRolling Replay ispuye to Roll Up Replay an thedio to a new way toum RRRolling Replay ispuye to Roll Up Replay.


full table talker containing error-filled placeholder text
Click for a close up of the error-riddled Greeked text in the “screen shot” part of this table talker advertisement.

Mentioned in this post:

Thanks to Steph Cilia VanderMeulen for brining the story to my attention, and to Tim Hortons for providing the story.

Link to my columns on Copyediting.com

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