Editing the Visuals, with ECE Editors

Editing the Visuals, with ECE Editors

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fall 2016 online course in editing visuals

How are the word specialists (editors) supposed to know if a visual communicates its intended meaning? Advice from the contributors of ECE3 today — in my Canadian, Eh? column at Copyediting.com — on how to edit visuals to meet the professional standards of Editors’ Canada.

Get a printable, multi-stage checklist for editing visuals.

Thanks to ECE3 contributors Yvonne Van Ruskenveld and Ashley Rayner for speaking to me about their area of expertise, and to their wrangler, visuals specialist Mary Rose MacLachlan. You’ll hear more from them in coming posts.

Link to my Canadian, Eh? column on Copyediting.com

surreal photo of a person with a green apple on a fishing rod



Photo by Ghazaleh Ghazanfari, used under CC BY-ND 2.0 license.

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