Cut your time and boost your accuracy with this trick for comparing dead copy changes to live copy. Make sure
Tag: Adobe Reader
Compile Markup & Reviews into a Single PDF
Compiling everyone’s feedback into a single document was a tedious, time consuming, and error prone task. Until now.
Anonymize Metadata in PDF Markup
Don’t want the team knowing you worked all night marking up the PDF page proofs? Reset the time stamp on select markup in the free Adobe Acrobat Reader DC.
Troubleshooting PDF Markup
This demo shows the tools editors need in the free Acrobat Reader to mark up corrections to page proofs or anything else in PDF form.
Shortcut to Rotate Pages in a PDF
Those sideways PDF pages? Rotate in a click. Note that this rotates all pages in the PDF, and only temporarily.
Mark up Title Corrections for Video Using PDF
Anything you can take a screen shot of can be marked up as a PDF. Here is a quick demo
Create a Word file from a PDF
You might need to convert a PDF back to text to get a word count, to create the next addition
Customize page numbers on a PDF using Adobe Acrobat 9, X, or XI
(There are new instructions on using Acrobat DC.) When your file doesn’t start on page 1, it is helpful to