Stop Wasting Time on Estimates

Stop Wasting Time on Estimates

Are you spending hours developing accurate estimates specific to a project only to hear the client say “That’s ten times what I thought I’d have to spend”?

Stop it. Stop it now.

Find out how, today, in my How To column at [the now defunct] Listen to the podcast for an extended discussion, more case studies and resources. Transcript included.

How do you screen clients to make sure you’re in the same ballpark? Leave your comments below, on Facebook, or on the blog. We want to learn from you!

About this guy I asked for advice: I could fill an entire blog post describing why Greg Ioannou is a person whose advice counts for a lot. Besides having always been generous with advice, he owns of Colbourne Communications (an editing business with several employees as well as a small press), is a founding member of EAC, and teaches editing at a college.

 Mentioned in this post:

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Photo by Alexandre Normand used under CC BY-2.0 license.

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